iPhone Users Getting Secure IDsHave you ever wished you had a digital ID like a driver's license? Apple is working to make that a reality.

The company is currently in talks with officials from eight different state government to fold state IDs and driver's licenses into Apple Wallet.

The states in question are:

  • Arizona
  • Connecticut
  • Georgia
  • Iowa
  • Kentucky
  • Maryland
  • Oklahoma
  • And Utah

There's the day to day convenience that is a natural outgrowth of having a digital copy of your driver's license and/or State ID. In addition the company is touting the benefits of Apple Wallet to travelers saying that it will make airport check ins faster and more convenient.

Whether that proves true or not is something that remains to be seen but it certainly has the potential to. The idea would be that if you've got a digital ID on your person you'll be able to breeze through at least some TSA checkpoints with a phone tap.

Here's how the process is being designed to work, per Apple:

  • A consumer would add an ID or license to Apple Wallet as they would a credit card or transit pass.
  • If paired with an Apple Watch the consumer could add the ID to the Apple Watch.
  • The consumer would be asked to use their iPhone to scan their physical driver's license or state ID card and take a selfie that would be provided to the state for verification.
  • For additional security customers will be prompted to complete a series of facial and head movements.
  • The issuing state would then verify the IDs to be added to Apple Wallet.
  • Once added, the TSA will be able to accept IDs with a tap at the identity reader. Using Face ID or Touch ID the identity information being asked for is shared.

This is big news and potentially huge news especially if it catches on nationwide. Kudos to Apple and the eight pioneering states mentioned above. Exciting times indeed.

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