Vishing and Quishing ExplainedAny business owner in the modern world already knows about phishing. It has been around for decades, as criminal “conman” practices use fraudulent emails or other written items to fool readers. People believe the document derives from a legitimate source, perhaps due to a copied letterhead or a realistic email address, so they follow the prompts to reveal credit card numbers, passwords, and other personal information.

Now, vishing and quishing are following suit. As a business owner, you’ll want to pay attention.

What Is Vishing? The Business of Voice-Phishing

Vishing is a subcategory of phishing using “voice” methods. It leverages ever-evolving AI technology to steal sensitive information but with a phone number rather than traditional phishing emails.

A vishing attack might call someone posing as anything from government agents to employers like you. Other attackers plant a number somewhere and victims contact them unknowingly.

How Does Vishing Affect Your Business?

If hackers use voice phishing while pretending to be part of your business, they’ll ask questions verbally. Their goal is still to trick your customers into revealing personal data, but these vishing perpetrators may also convince customers to:

  • Download software.
  • Click on fake emails.
  • Visit faux websites while on the phone, inevitably installing malware.

If a scammer claims to be an employee at your trusted bank, they could uncover and falsely warn your business’s account holders of frozen accounts or missing funds. Then, they might ask the customer for their bank account information and social security number. In the end, it looks as though your company has stolen or sold client data!

What Is Quishing? The Business of QR-Phishing

Vishing and quishing are similar. Instead of phony links or voice prompts, quishing uses QR codes that pop up for individuals to scan.

Once a quishing victim scans the fake QR code, their device loads the login page, which closely replicates its genuine counterpart. If they enter their information here, they will compromise their account and other credentials.

How Does Quishing Affect Your Business?

Let’s say you own a retail shop. A cybercriminal has studied your email layout to create a faux version and aims to get your customers to take action. Maybe they send an email with exciting news, like an unrealistic sale, or an urgent message about a lost shipment.

Do your customers trust your business and its employees? Could they accidentally sign into these fake login pages? If so, your company’s information might also be at the mercy of malware and ransomware.

How To Protect Your Business From Phishing Threats

It’s also wise for a business to train up its employees. Can your team properly identify and deal with threats, including phishing?

Teach them to NEVER:

  • Click on links or scan codes from unknown sources.
  • Believe anyone demanding urgent action or making suspicious requests without checking with a manager or authority.
  • Use an unprotected web browser or software.

Simple security awareness training programs can help your business immensely against cyberthreats like vishing and quishing. As the boss, you can also install MFA that uses time-sensitive passwords and email security solutions with QR code detection. Defensive tools for businesses are out there.

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